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  • Writer's picturebwake2000

Mark Millar

Mark Millar is a Scottish comic book artist. He is responsible for making a plethora of comic books , many of which have been adapted on-screen and created his own comic universe as well as adding to others. Recently he sold his 'Millarworld' to 'Netflix'.

To me Mark Millar is probably the best modern day comic book artist. He has fully embodied the current state of comics. He has created realistic characters and given them realistic physiques. His best work is known for being edgy, gritty and dark like 'wanted' and 'kick-ass'.

One thing his comics never fail to do is create iconic scenes which capture everything into them like the panel of Iron man vs captain America which embodies the story on a whole and tells you so much from the detail and follows the rules of photography.

I am a fan of Millar's work and chose him because he is my favorite modern comic book artist. The stories he tells may not be realistic but his style allows you to immerse yourself further into the story.

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