A task that I have been given to do through the academic year is to replicate a hot wheel handed to me in Maya. For this I first need to use illustrator to create a rendered 2D side profile of the vehicle. Illustrator is a great tool because it doesn't draw using pixels and requires maths to create the artwork making every piece crisp. The vehicle I was given to create was the speed dozer.
To start the process of I first needed a side profile picture of the 'car'. From there I added the picture into Illustrator and using the pen tool created a layer showing the vehicles outline.
After creating the outline for the car I went on to the specific details to fill in the car. These details included all the bolts and separate line work splitting up the purple dragster and orange digger. it was then a case of creating the various layers to allocate to the various parts such as the pipes and the windows.
Afterwards I went on to the wheels which I did wrong, like most of it. For the wheels I started by trying to draw off the picture rather than think about the specific shapes and how to build them. What I didn't perceive at the time was the similarities to MAYA and how I needed to use basic shapes and build the car upwards making accurate line work.
Overall this assignment has been nothing short of atrocious on my behalf. When doing it I never put thought into my actions when doing this and am now in a position questioning my own abilities.
Continuing on wards the next stage was to add colour to it. This was done on Photoshop to achieve a metallic look. This was done through the colour gradient tool which allowed me to portray the shine. Afterwards I simply used the paint bucket tool to fill in the car as accurately as I can. Overall this isn't too bad its just it too way too long and was approached with a poor mindset, so for that I can only vow to come back stronger.