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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's picturebwake2000


Updated: May 29, 2019

Continuing with the hot wheels project I went on to create the next part of the body of the car. I decided to create the second part of it to be separate from the first part. Making this part of the car was probably the most problematic due to its intricacies. This time around I decided to build it out instead of building from the base as I couldn't perceive how to do so.

Doing this I spent along time toying around with this due to issues with the topology but this was the only issue so once I prevailed the task became easier to accomplish. The area in which the top pipes are held is thankfully round by the hot wheel design so I then knew i needed my object to be smoothed so after inserting the edge loops I had made the next part of the vehicle.

The next part of this was to create the side pipes. For this I took a standard cylinder and scaled it into a slimmer pipe. Afterwards I selected the top face and an edge and used the wedge tool to create a part that curves and sticks out. With the bottom part of the pipe I did the same process but not to extrude out significantly so I could extrude the face inwards giving me a pipe. Then I decided to go off the original design and keep the pipes the same width to fit more in line with my car.

Then I had created my car with only the texturing to do.

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