For my remaining time at the collage I will be working upon my synoptic project which is to create a final VFX piece. My project is called 'Purple parts' and i'm working alongside with my colleagues; Emma, Frank and Chloe.
Beforehand, in the winter break, I had already begun on the project starting by creating a script that I would then base the storyboards on. The script itself is average. It wasn't important to the project itself but is needed and I think It delivers on giving exposition to the viewer to help them understand what is happening.
After that I began working on Story boarding to align with the script. For this I based the pictures on existing frames from other films and TV shows. I traced it because I found it to look more professional. Additionally, I used them as reference for the type of shots and I think I'm going to use this to help set the scene and the cinematography that will go into this.
Ending the week I took my group out for location scouting which went without a hitch. For this I was able to find places that accurately show the places and environments I envisioned.