Moving on into the new year the focus has now shifted from story boarding to
Images & Sounds for Imagined Worlds topic. For this I have been assigned to analyse a piece of concept art. For this I chose Phillip Boutte jr who mainly specializes in concept art for costume design but produced this piece for 20th century fox's Kingsman: The golden circle.
To start of I like the use of lines used in this piece. These are used in the debris either side of Lancelot that lead the way to the character of Merlin. This helps those who don't know the film but the lines lead to the character making the audience know he is important.
The piece also demonstrates the mood effectively by use of colour. For this the colour with the most hue is the smoke and dust floating around from the aftermath of the destroyed building. The rest of the colour palette is bleak and dark which would create a solemn and depressed mood which is effectively conveyed.
The literary genre for this is action as it shows the aftermath of a building that has been destroyed. Additionally It shows the Merlin character as being a hero as the lighter colours are positioned around and slightly over him.
As this topic is being integrated with sound design I would talk about the sounds i would imagine with this. I don't see any sound being portrayed in this piece as it is a dark gritty wreckage where the chaos has came and left. Seeing as it is important though I can also imagine noises like alarms blaring and the wind blowing through the debris.
Environment sounds : wind, alarms
mood sounds: panicked noises